Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Anniversary and 1st Blazer game!

Tonight Colin attended his 1st ever NBA Game! Colin, Andrea and I watched the Portland Trailblazers take on the Seattle Supersonics. Well, we only watched the first half. Colin actually did really well. But it was a later tip-off, so it would be a late night for our little man. Honestly, it was more of a "test the waters" deal. I didnt get my expectations up too high...he is a little baby for goodness sakes. But he did really well for his first experience of the RoseGarden. It was fun watching him be really curious as to "why the room was so big." "Why were there so many people here yelling at each other?" "This is weird!"

Also, Colin was so excited about his experience that he pee'd on his mom's pants! Please take into mind...Yes he did have his pants on still!

Anyway, It was a really fun evening out with the family.

This was also Andrea's and my 2 Year Anniversary of being together. 2 years ago tomorrow, we went on our 2nd date to a Blazer game! So when I got my tickets for the year, I saw that there was a game right near the same date from 2 yrs ago. Pretty cool, I think.

here are a couple pics of the evening.


Brian Eberly said...

Sounds like a fun night and congrats on the two year anniversary!

Brandon said...

Happy anniversary