Saturday, December 29, 2007

6.5 months old

Colin has been sitting up by himself for the last couple of weeks. Its kind of nice! We can just sit him on the floor with some toys and he can entertain himself (well, for a few minutes at least!). We don't have to carry him around ALL the time.

still no teeth. we are working on cereal. he makes a face like he thinks its disgusting. i switched from rice cereal to oatmeal cereal, but he had the same reaction. i guess it just takes time. perhaps next week we will try cocoa puffs.

We spent Christmas in The Dalles with the Dingmans. Colin received lots of gifts. Man, that kid is spoiled! Next year we will be in Bend with the Butlers!

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Preston used to make that face no matter what he ate. Even if he liked something.